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One of my particular passions is the environment and helping to protect it. In the UK I had my routines and knew how to reduce, reuse and recycle pretty much everything I could, and where to buy local and/or organic produce. I hoped that I was lessening my negative impact on the earth by doing so.
When I moved in Brno, I must admit that quite a lot of that went out of the window for a while, whilst I was acclimatising to the new culture. Now I've had a bit of time to investigate, I thought I would pass on my knowledge to those of you that also care about the environment.
I have met with the Ecological Institute Veronica whose mission is "to support environment-friendly attitudes towards nature, landscape and their natural and cultural values". Their website has been incredibly useful, in particular the Ekomapa. This map will show you where to find organic food, ekoflorists, waste collection centres, environmental organisations, nature walks and more.
As for recycling, a comprehensive list of things to sort from your waste, and where to put them, can be found here. More specifically:
Of course, it is always best to reduce and reuse rather than recycle. Veronica has lots of ideas on how we can do this.
It would be great to hear how other expats get on with being "eco" here. Tell us what you struggle with. Or you may have experiences of brilliant "green" schemes from your homeland, that may work here. Please take a few minutes to answer the questionnaire and help to make Brno even more environmentally friendly! The survey will be open until June 30, 2017.
Hannah Boylan has a background in ecology and since moving here, spends her time looking after 2 boys and volunteering with environmental organisations. It was originally written for the Brno Expat Centre's blog.